Hey yall! It’s that time of the year! Where we gather all happy faces and take a good ole family picture. I know every year I wait until the last minute to snag all the things for us to get the perfect family picture. So I wanted to provide a resource for you to use to help make this process a little easier. It’s so fun to match your family together and get that vibe you’re wanting. Once I choose that color I go and find that color for everyone else. It does not have to be the same exact garment, but something on that persons outfit will have that color on it. I love to match my daughter to her daddy, and my son with me.
Below you’ll see some color outfit combos I found for you to use as tool when planning your next photoshoot. In the caption you’ll find each color option linked! Enjoy!
I also added in some of our family photos in years past. Hope this is helpful.

We typically take family pictures twice a year. One in the fall for our holiday cards, and then again in the spring for the kiddos birthdays. It is something that my husband doesn’t understand why we do it, but each year should be remembered and celebrated. I love having these photos to peek back and see how much our family has changed, grown and just for the memories.

When planning family pictures it does not have to be anything fancy! You don’t even have to head to the store. Typically Steven has one of three outfits he wears to church that are his goto’s. I end up buying my daughter and myself something (because I love to shop) but for real look around your closet and their closets first before purchasing new. You can even see if you can borrow from someone. You’ll be wearing the outfit for max one hour so just remember that! Another thing to remember is have fun!