Hey girl! Today we are going start a fun blog post series. We are kicking off the series with the Ultimate Hype Girl Playlist. I am curating different playlist to match your vibe. We are kicking it off with a “Hype Me Up” playlist. For this playlist I had you submit your top hype me up song! I also added some of my favorite ones I use I need to get hyped up or out of a funk.
I will preface with you. These are not songs you want to jam out with your elementary student. If you don’t know by now I love music. I am STRUGGLING right now not being able to go to concerts. Concerts are my JAM. Hopefully one day we will be able to go to one again
Anyways I hope you have fun listening to some of my favorite hype tunes while you’re “going to the grocery store” aka going to Target for absolutely no reason. Let’s get you that hype girl playlist!
Other Fun Playlist
If you’re in the mood for some more fun playlist check these out below! I just searched for playlist on Pinterest and there they were bomb!
Whitney Rife’s Summer Playlist
Happy Vibe Resources:
Here are some blog post to that talk about things you can do to chill. Hope you enjoy!
Ways to Live a Stress Free Life
Well I hope you get some alone time in the car to hype yourself up. This playlist is so fun and gives you all the bad ass momma vibes!