How to Apply Self Tanner

Sharing is caring!

Girl, you want to look like a bronze goddess without all the sand? I got you! Here, I am going to teach you all the tips and tricks on how to use self tanner. I started using self tanner for almost a year and I am so glad I made the decision. I was a little nervous at first, but then I got a groove going and I don’t know why I waited for so long. Now, when you’re doing this, you need to do it on a lounging day (which as I am writing this we have a lot of those #covid19). The tanner is super dark and looks patchy; so you’ll want to stay home and away from water. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Exfoliate and Shave

This is the very first thing you’ll need to do. It is important to exfoliate and shave every part of your body to help the tanning solution stay on better. I would also invest in a good exfoliate pad and scrub. Use my code “Amanda” at Hellobody for a good scrub.

Step 2: Moisturize

Right after you exfoliate your skin after your shower, you need to lather up with the lotion. I love the Aveeno lotion because it’s just what you need, lotion, nothing else. You want to make sure your skin is super moisturized and ready for the tanning product to go on.

Step 3: Tanning Product

You will need your tanning product and your tanning mitt for this. Take your tanning mouse and pump the product on your mitt. I usually do three pumps. You will take your mitt and do circular motions on each limb. You’ll want to do the elbows, wrist, and ankles last to avoid streaks. Typically whatever residue I have left after doing the circular motions, I rub on my hands and feet.

Step 4: Relax

You will be lounging around the house at this point. I like to do chores during this time or catch up on Netflix. You’ll be waiting around for the product to set in for 2-4 hours.

Step 5: Rinse

Now you’re ready to rinse the product off. Now when you’re done rinsing it won’t look like you have much of a tan, but I promise you’ll get that sun kissed glow you’re looking for.

Okay, so next I am going to explain to you some tips and tricks to keep your tan lasting as long as it can. I love to use these drops in my lotion to help maintain my tan throughout the week. All you have to do is drop 5-6 drops in whatever lotion you’re using and make you sure rub it all in. Be sure to rinse your hands afterwards!

And that’s a wrap! If you try this out tag me in your stories or post on IG. As always DM me if you have any questions!!

