5 ways to Style a Basic Top

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1. Statement Necklace

Hey y’all! Okay so anyone who knows me K N O W S I love to maximize my wardrobe by purchasing basic neutral tops and using accessories to change them up. When you have key accessories in your closet it helps you have more options for those basic tops! Let’s take this basic top I have from Chic Soul. So stinking cute by itself right?! But then add a statement necklace to it and BAM here’s look number one.

Style 1-add a statement necklace

2. Add a Puffer Vest

Okay now were on a roll! Style number two involves some P-Diddy action with my fancy puffer vest from Old Navy. This vest is a nice blush color and works great with all the things. The inside is lined with a soft fleece material and it provides the perfect amount of warmth.

3. Let’s Add a Different Pattern

Style number 3 is modeled with my favorite piece. This camo jacket is one of my favorites. It’s comfortable, allows you plenty of arm room and very flattering. You can check it out here. When thinking of mixing patterns, don’t be afraid to do it. You can rock anything as long as you’re confident!

4. Classic Cardigan

Ah, the trusty cardigan. These old navy cardigans can be found here. These are the best cardigans to have this season. Very soft, affordable, and comfortable. I may have them in 4 colors (I couldn’t choose just one, you know that). Pairing this top with a cardigan creates a modest, classic daytime look.

5. Denim Button-up

This denim button-up is amazing! It does the job of a denim jacket, but without all the heat and heavy weight. You can find it here.

I hope you were able to take some tips away with you. Comment below which one is your favorite!!

Until we meet again,
